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Baiyun Mountain Lanterns Fair for Mid Autumn Festival

Baiyun Mountain Lanterns Fair for Mid Autumn Festival

Write: Farfalla [2011-05-20]

Baiyun Mountain Lanterns Fair for Mid Autumn Festival(Guangzhou Daily)

Baiyun Mountain Lanterns Fair for Mid Autumn Festival(Guangzhou Daily)
Starting on Sep. 10th, a month-long lantern festival shall be held on Baiyun Mountain on the occasion of Mid-Autumn day. Dozens of beautiful lanterns depicting old Chinese legends shall be hung from the trees, turning Baiyun Mountain into a mysterious and magical dwelling for Chinese families celebrating the traditional festival.
Mid-Autumn day falls on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar this year, the 22nd of September. On that evening, Chinese families usually get together to eat moon cakes and drink tea whilst contemplating the full moon. Lanterns are another addition to the festival.
In addition to the lantern display, thousands of roses will blossom in Yuntai Garden which shall open a special rose exhibition from September 21st until January 2011. Finally, food is never far away when we are talking about Chinese festivals. A special food market shall be held until October 8th at the Mingzhu Cultural square where people can discover dishes and snacks from all over China whilst admiring yet more lanterns.
Source: Lifeofguangzhou.com