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Chinese High-speed Railway Growth History in Guangzhou South Station

Chinese High-speed Railway Growth History in Guangzhou South Station

Write: Gilberta [2011-05-20]
On 15th November, the Guangzhou Railway Group launched a publicity presentation entitled "Serve the Guangzhou Asian Games, Feel the Chinese Speed", at theGuangzhou South Railway Station to welcome in the Asian Games. The objective of this theme is to publicize China's high-speed railway development achievements positively to both domestic and overseas passengers.
This thematic exhibition is located in the East Hall of the Guangzhou South Station, and will remain there until the Asian Games and Asian Para Games are complertd. Combining the Asian Games Spirit with Chinese high-speed railway brands organically., the exhibition is divided into two parts, one picture exhibition and one video exhibition. The video exhibition is located in the center just in front of , with A 6-meter wide LED video wall programmed to broadcast rollingly the Asian Games publication and China's high-speed railway film without interruption
The picture exhibition as such contains 6 parts: the preface; Asian Games Review; heritage of civilization, the Guangzhou Games, China's High Speed Railway: Global leader, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway: adding wings to Pearl River Delta, high-speed railway era: speeding up the Asian Games, promoting the Asian Games culture in a all-round way and showing China's high-speed railway achievements.
Four instructors are distributed especially to introduce and explain the theme more effectively and will be on duty throughout the exhibition.
Source: english.gz.gov.cn