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Guangzhou Industry to Introduce Advanced Manufacturing

Guangzhou Industry to Introduce Advanced Manufacturing

Write: Nardu [2011-05-20]

It is often suggested that Guangzhou is in no position to boast world-class brands, although it is a national central city in China. But now, the Guangzhou Municipal Commission of Economic and Trade will bring in more world-class brands. When interviewed by Guangzhou Daily on January 16, Zhao Xiaosui, the Commisson's Director said that Guangzhou is at a new start of boosting the city's industrial aggregate amounting to 1.5 trillion RMB, with total retail sales of consumer goods exceeding 400 billion RMB and a key emphasis on adjusting structure, high added value and an intense focus on business development.

During the "Twelfth Five-year Plan", Guangzhou's Industry and Commerce sectors will be committed to building world-class manufacturing bases, ideal places for small and middle enterprises, and private businesses wishing to start businesses, and model bases of industrial integration and innovation and likewise reinforcing the well founded forging of Guangzhou into one of the great predominate shopping paradise and gourmets centers of Chinas.

Ms. Zhao added, during the "Eleventh Five-year Plan", Guangzhou's industrial and commercial development registered the news phases of "two 1-trillions and three 100-billions", that means, the total sales of commodities and industrial gross output exceeded one trillion RMB in 2007 and 2008; the industrial and commercial tax reached 100 billion RMB in 2008 for the first time, and the industrial output of three pillar industries totaled 100 billion and the Guangzhou Automobile Industry Group became the first 100-billion RMB enterprise.

Source: english.gz.gov.cn