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exida certifies Siemens QUADLOG safety system

exida certifies Siemens QUADLOG safety system

Write: Tushar [2011-05-20]
exida certified Siemens Industry's QUADLOG Fail Safe Communication Gateway Function Blocks as suitable for use in SIL 3 Capable applications per the international functional safety standard, IEC 61508.
Siemens recently added the specialized function blocks to its 4-mation configuration software. The function blocks permit the configuration of IEC61508 certified safety critical communications between two QUADLOG controllers via an Ethernet network using the Industrial Ethernet Module (IEM).
exida not only has unequalled knowledge and expertise regarding safety standards, but also is committed to the highest levels of customer service in the marketplace, says Stacey Jarlsberg, Siemens APACS+ and QUADLOG product manager. exida worked closely with us to comply with these standards.
The certification gives Siemens customers a high level of confidence in the fail safe properties of the function blocks, says Iwan van Beurden, director of engineering for exida. Siemens has always been a leader in automation safety and security and this certification is just one more example of this dedication.
About exida:
exida is a certification and research firm specializing in safety critical and high availability automation systems. exida's main offices are located in Sellersville, PA, USA and Munich, Germany. exida has worldwide operations with service centers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Netherlands, and New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
About Siemens:
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