For the 10th time, the AMA Association for Sensor Technology presents its 10,000 international SENSOR Innovation Award at its trade fair, the SENSOR+TEST (18 to 20 May 2010 in Nuremberg).
"It's always an exciting process to choose the projects for nomination out of all the high-quality submissions," says jury chairman Prof. Dr. Andreas Sch tze from the Saarland University. "Even though it's still head-to-head among the top contenders, three favourites emerged after all", continues Prof. Sch tze. Thus, the following submissions (in alphabetical order) were nominated:
- CiS Forschungsinstitut f r Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH (CIS Institute for Micro Sensors), Audia Akustik GmbH, Helmholtz-Institut f r Biomedizinische Technik der RWTH (Institute for Biomedical Technology) Aachen: "In-Ear Sensor System for the Acquisition of Vital Parameters"
- Fraunhofer-Institut f r Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme (IMS): Time-of-Flight 3-D Distance Sensor with Integrarted Pulse Process"
- Gasera Ltd., Finnland: "Hand-Held FTIR-PAS Gas Analyzer for the Detection of Toxic Chemicals in the Safety and Security Application Utilizing the Novel Ultra-Sensitive MEMS Cantilever Sensor"
"For some years now, we've observed a trend in the submissions towards gas and liquid sensor technology. In fact, most of the nominations in the past came from these disciplines," says Dr. Thomas Simmons, the General Secretary of the association.
In the evaluation of the innovations, the degree of innovation and utility for the users are decisive. And last not least - as the rules state - the AMA Association awards the developers of the innovation, not the company or institute they come from.
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