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Getting a Safety Trip Alarm SIL certified

Getting a Safety Trip Alarm SIL certified

Write: Erastus [2011-05-20]
Product Safety Case Study: Compliance Testing and Certification describes how Moore Industries-International used T VRheinland to obtain third-party certification of the STA Safety Trip Alarm to IEC 61508: Parts 1, 2 and 3 for single use in Safety Instrumented Systems up to SIL 2.
The Product Safety Case Study describes the SIL certification process and documents the complete experience of developing a Functional Safety product.
Moore Industries chose T VRheinland to provide a third-party safety assessment and IEC 61508 certification for the STA. It was integral to the product s success that a highly reputable and internationally-renowned third-party agency document the safety and quality of the STA Safety Trip Alarm. T VRheinland was the best choice, considering the scope of the approvals process for the STA, said Moore Industries Director of Engineering, Tina Lockhart.
The Product Safety Case Study details the rigorous steps required to pass a T VRheinland safety assessment, and discusses the great benefits and value added to a product with T VRheinland s certification. With T VRheinland s third-party certification to IEC 61508, Moore Industries STA alarm follows best practices in the safety industry, and appeals to the best interest of end users.
As the IEC 61508 standard has become more widely recognized and adopted by worldwide customers, end users are looking for products that have been designed to IEC 61508 from their initial concept. Customers are demanding not only compliance to the standards but verification from an independent third-party agency such as T VRheinland.
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