Siemens introduces WirelessHart process transmitters
Orelia [2011-05-20]
Siemens Industry announced WirelessHart products for wireless communication, including two transmitters, the Sitrans P280 and the Sitrans TF280.
The Sitrans P280 transmitter for pressure measurement and the Sitrans TF280 transmitter for temperature have a WirelessHart interface as well as a graphical display with backlight functions and are easy to operate via push buttons. An integrated battery supplies the transmitters with power for up to five years, with a display that shows the exact number of remaining days.
Additionally, all other Siemens process instruments without WirelessHart interfaces can be integrated into WirelessHart communication with the new Sitrans AW200 adapter. The Sitrans AW200 adapter has an integrated battery, which can also power a connected process instrument. If an external power supply is used, up to four conventional process instruments can be connected to the WirelessHart adapter simultaneously.
The IE/WSN-PA LINK gateway manages the WirelessHart network with all its nodes, and it establishes the connection to the Simatic-based automation and control systems via Industrial Ethernet. The gateway is easy to configure via the integrated Web interface.
The transmitters and the adapter are commissioned and serviced using Simatic PDM (Process Device Manager), which provides a simple, graphical and interactive setup. Additionally, with Sitrans MDS (Maintenance Diagnostic Station) software, diagnostics data can be displayed transparently in a maintenance station.