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Rockwell Automation adds PackML to Power Programming tool

Rockwell Automation adds PackML to Power Programming tool

Write: Tabitha [2011-05-20]
Rockwell Automation incorporated the latest changes in the ISA-88 standard the inclusion of OMAC (Organization for Machine Automation and Control) PackML guidelines into its Power Programming version 4 development tool. By leveraging the latest programming standards, Rockwell Automation will help machine builders improve programming consistency, reduce engineering costs, and speed machine installation and startup time.
PackML (Packaging Machine Language) guidelines define the vocabulary and definitions to describe the process being controlled. With a standardized look and feel of the programming and HMI graphic objects, it s easier for operators and software personnel to recognize application functionality across applications and suppliers.
The Power Programming version 4 development tool offers more than a dozen different templates for the most common functions in machine development. These pretested modules of code are based on current, open standards and best practices acquired through years of experience. With predefined modules, the same code is used from machine to machine, so there is less chance that new software development will impact proven software objects.
Power Programming has been successfully applied in a wide range of industry segments, including packaging, converting, print, web-handling, assembly and process.
Translating PackML guidelines into ISA-88 terminology is at the center of our changes, said Darren Elliott, global technical resource manager, OEM Business Solutions, Rockwell Automation. Using a predictable, reusable state model with standard terminology helps ensure design consistency when multiple programmers are involved. To create a functional specification, most machine builders begin with a state model. The new version of the Power Programming tool provides a broadly recognized machine state model and standardized data model (PackTags) to help ensure that programmers are speaking the same language and using terminology consistently. This can help reduce the overall integration time and costs for process and packaging equipment.
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