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KNF releases diaphragm pumps for hot gases

KNF releases diaphragm pumps for hot gases

Write: Amabel [2011-05-20]
KNF's diaphragm pumps for transferring hot gases to analyzers have been designed to maintain specified gas temperatures without cooling to prevent condensation and potentially faulty results. Oil-free operation and inert wetted materials additionally contribute to reliable sampling and accurate analysis by eliminating any risk of gas contamination.
The complete product range includes temperature-resistant and heated-head types ideally suited for environmental emissions sampling and analytical instrumentation applications, among others. Custom designs can be developed to satisfy particular application requirements.
Heat-resistant models can resist temperatures up to 240 C (or 460 F) without heating and heated-head types (for gas temperatures up to 240 C) can be equipped either with thermostatic temperature control or programmable electronic temperature control. Flows up to 3.5 SCFM and vacuums of 24 in. Hg. (or deeper) can be achieved, depending on model. All pumps are energy-efficient and easy to operate.
Optimized construction incorporates 316 stainless steel to resist corrosive gases, PTFE to withstand potential melting from extremely hot gases, and isolation of bearings and motor to protect against overheating. Improved insulation engineering promotes consistent temperature control, power efficiency, minimized heat loss, and worker safety.
Pumps with electronic temperature control offer added capabilities to operate remotely (via computer hookup and supplied Windows software) and generate timely reports and logs.