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Invensys updates Wonderware Information Server

Invensys updates Wonderware Information Server

Write: Nerin [2011-05-20]
Invensys Operations Management released Wonderware Information Server version 4.0 software. Information Server is easy-to-use software for web-based graphical visualization, reporting and analysis of real-time plant operations data, helping to drive productivity excellence across client organizations. The new version features support for ArchestrA graphics, critical for those customers now using the company s Wonderware Systems Platform and InTouch HMI products; enhanced operating system support; and superior web-based graphics built on Microsoft Silverlight technology.
Wonderware Information Server is a unified portal and content server for the company s InFusion Enterprise Control System components, including Wonderware System Platform, InTouch HMI and SCADA software, MES and Intelligence applications, and Foxboro I/A Series distributed control systems, enabling flexible access to applications, reporting and visualization information using a web browser. When used with Wonderware Intelligence, an enterprise manufacturing intelligence product, Wonderware Information Server provides a corporate-wide view of production operations and KPIs, providing all workers in a manufacturing enterprise with a common real-time information dashboard.
As needs for easier information access increase, providing web-based delivery is critical to maintaining productivity excellence, said Michael Schwarz, product marketing manager, Invensys Operations Management. Wonderware Information Server provides an interactive, open method of delivering critical operating information to workers engaged in manufacturing and industrial infrastructure processes. Its ability to provide data in other forms compatible with corporate portals, such as Microsoft SharePoint, expands its usefulness to a wide range of users within our customer s organization.
About Invensys Operations Management
Invensys Operations Management, a division of Invensys, is a leading provider of automation and information technology, systems, software solutions, services and consulting to the global manufacturing and infrastructure industries. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, its solutions are used by more than 40,000 clients around the world in more than 200,000 plants and facilities. Invensys Operations Management s offerings are delivered under several prominent industry brands, including Avantis, Eurotherm, Foxboro, IMServ, InFusion, SimSci-Esscor, Skelta, Triconex and Wonderware.