Yokogawa enhances STARDOM Control System
Clove [2011-05-20]
Yokogawa Electric released an enhanced version of the STARDOM Network-based Control System with upgraded engineering functionality. A new engineering tool facilitates the construction of field digital communications networks that can reduce the cost of maintaining production equipment distributed over wide areas.
Development Background
In response to growing global energy demand, oil companies have been expanding their oil and gas exploration activities in recent years. As gas and oil field production equipment is often distributed over very wide areas, periodic field equipment inspections and other maintenance activities have proven very costly and pose a huge financial burden on these companies. One solution to this problem is the use of digital communication networks. By linking widely distributed production equipment, they make it possible to capture and centrally manage maintenance information such as individual device status and maintenance history. This reduces costs by improving maintenance efficiency.
For this latest STARDOM version, Yokogawa has optimized its existing engineering tool that is used to configure large-scale SCADA systems based on the FOUNDATION fieldbus protocol. The new tool, FOUNDATION fieldbus Configurator, enables a 60% reduction in engineering man-hours (compared to its previous tool).
In addition to this new tool, STARDOM s Logic Designer engineering tool for creating control applications has been improved. An enhanced Distributed Network Protocol 3 (DNP3) is also provided.