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Press fit technology

Press fit technology

Write: Chetan [2011-05-20]

Press fit technology as one of the most important manufacturing technologies has become well established in production processes of the electronic industry. Based on the norm IEC 60352-5 press fit technology is recorded and appraised in a qualitative manner.
Press fit technology is based on the fundamental method of pressing a contact pin (with or without an elastic press fit zone) using pressure in a metalized borehole, or as the case may be, a feed through. Due to the extensive range of the contact pin and the smaller bore diameter of the metalized borehole, it results in a gas proof, electric conductible connection. On suitable surfaces we talk about a cold shut and so an inter metallic connection.
The above named Norm indicates the important values for the transfer resistance, that also prior to specified checks (vibration, harmful gas and temperature stress test) must not deviate from the specified limit value. The definition of the maximum press fit technology and holding power of the contacts is specified by the connector manufacturers in press fit technology. This is particularly based on the fact that different designs in the press fit zones and the used materials and surfaces can lead to wide scattering.
The press fit technology offers many advantages. The most important are:
- Cost reduction
- Reduced down-time in production
- Higher processing speed
- Reparability and simple recycling
- And a high reliability and process safety with a constant excellence

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