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HARTING strengthens management at HARTING Electronics GmbH & Co. KG

HARTING strengthens management at HARTING Electronics GmbH & Co. KG

Write: Pascale [2011-05-20]

s from December 1, 2010 Dr. Alexander Rost has taken up his position as managing director of HARTING Electronics GmbH & Co. KG.

Dr. Rost launched his career in the year 1993 as a scientific assistant at TU Darmstadt, after having concluded his engineering sciences studies at TU Braunschweig. In 1998, Dr. Rost moved on to Weidm ller Interface GmbH & Co. KG where he was active as assistant to the managing director. In 1999 he headed the connector product lines and was additionally responsible for the international device manufacturer operating area. In 2004 Dr. Rost joined H bner GmbH in Kassel where he headed the Automotive Division. At the beginning of 2009 he took on the position of technical manager and head of sales of household appliances at Wirthwein AG in Creglingen.

At HARTING Electronics GmbH & Co. KG Dr. Rost will be responsible for the development, marketing and sales areas. With this appointment, the HARTING Technology Group is substantially strengthening the customer and market orientation of HARTING Electronics. Fielding its portfolio of products and solutions for device connection technology serving all industrial segments, the company is successful across the globe. Participating in the toughest benchmark competition in the industrial manufacturing sector in Germany, Factory of the Year / GEO 2010 , HARTING Electronics emerged as the winner in the Excellent High Volume Manufacturing category this October. The recent award impressively documents the company s competitive strengths.

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