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T V certifies ABB s Safety Execution Center in Mexico

T V certifies ABB s Safety Execution Center in Mexico

Write: Xyza [2011-05-20]

February 20, 2011 - ABB announced that its Safety Execution Center (SEC) in San Luis Potosi, and Mexico City, Mexico, has been certified by T V as having in place and applying a Functional Safety Management System (FSMS) for delivery and implementation of safety system projects in accordance to international industry standards. These standards include IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 for integration and implementation of safety instrumented systems (SIS).
ABB currently has more safety centers with T V certification for Functional Safety Management System (FSMS) delivery and implementation than any other supplier in the industry. These centers are located in every region of the world. Thirteen of ABB s Safety Execution Centers have been certified by T V Rheinland, one of the leading world specialists in the assessment and certification of organizations and products to safety standards. Ten additional SECs are currently working towards T V certification.
ABB s proven methodology for delivering safety systems meets international standards and best practices, and ensures consistent, flawless execution of these projects all over the world.
In Mexico, ABB s Oil and Gas business has implemented numerous safety systems for emergency shutdown (ESD) and Mitigation of Fire and Gas (F & G), primarily in refineries, marine terminals, drilling rigs and production for Cantarell field and KU-MALOOB-ZAAP in the Campeche Sond. Interlock Systems were also implemented in ethylene oxide plants; the largest installed base is in the Cadereyta refinery with 20 emergency shutdown systems and 20 systems for Fire and Gas.

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