ISA Welcomes New President, Leo Staples
Del [2011-05-20]
The International Society of Automation (ISA) welcomes H. L. Leo Staples as its 2011 president. Staples opened the year with a call-to-action to all ISA members to dedicate themselves to a high level of involvement in, and collaboration among, their sections, divisions, and the Society. We have exciting, yet tough, challenges ahead of us, just as any great association does, he said. I believe that, with passion, dedication and focus, we can meet our new goals and create a very bright future for ISA.
Describing his vision for ISA for 2011, Staples cited four challenges identified by ISA s Strategic Planning Department that he wants the membership to focus on.
The first challenge is financial performance that would enable ISA to recover from the economic recession while setting the stage for long-term health and profitability. Many ideas are on the table, from improving revenue from existing products to development of new product lines, Staples said.
The second challenge is to evaluate the effectiveness of ISA s current Society governance model, and, where appropriate, make changes. Even though changes had been made in the past, our leaders knew there was still a lot more work that needed to be done. A task force has already begun work on this evaluation process. Our members will be hearing more about it as we move into the year. I ask for their support in validating, endorsing, and implementing the work of this governance task force, he said.
The third challenge for the Society is to strengthen the ISA family. A strong ISA family consists of a dedicated group of volunteer leaders working together, sharing a common vision, and operating within a governance structure that fits the organization, Staples said. We need to maintain a strong value proposition so we can keep the ISA family strong, so we can attract new leaders for the future, and so we can develop and engage tomorrow s automation professionals, he added.