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ABB to provide fresh drinking water for desert city in Sahara

ABB to provide fresh drinking water for desert city in Sahara

Write: Abhijit [2011-05-20]
ABB is providing a complete power, mechanical and System 800xA automation solution for a large water transfer project in a remote and rainless region of the Sahara Desert. The project will pump and store water from deep underground, ready for transfer to a city of 115,000 people that is 750 km away.
Currently under construction and scheduled for completion in 2011, the R seau de Collecte water transfer scheme in Algeria is one of the biggest water projects ever undertaken in the Sahara region - one of the hottest and driest places on Earth, where temperatures can reach 50 degrees Celsius.
About 90 percent of Algeria s 35 million population lives on the northern coastal belt close to the Mediterranean Sea, but several million live inland in oasis towns and cities, where rainfall is rare and water resources are limited.
Tamanrasset and In Salah are two such oasis cities. Tamanrasset is a large city of 115,000 inhabitants that lies deep in the southern reaches of the Algerian Sahara. The city is located near an aquifer that faces shortages in water reserves, while In Salah, a small urban community of about 43,000 inhabitants, is located close to an aquifer with a surplus of water.
The R seau de Collecte will help rectify the shortage of potable water in Tamanrasset. Earmarked as one of the Algerian government s key infrastructure projects, the water transfer scheme will pump and deliver 50,000 cubic meters of water each day via pipeline from In Salah to Tamanrasset, a distance of almost 750 km. By 2030, it is expected that 150,000 cubic meters of water per day will be needed, a tripling of water supplies to meet the needs of the city s rapidly growing population.
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