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Louvre Museum renovation to include Toshiba LEDs

Louvre Museum renovation to include Toshiba LEDs

Write: Adeben [2011-05-20]

Toshiba Corporation announced that it has entered a partnership agreement with the Louvre Museum to help with its lighting renovation project. Under the agreement, Toshiba will support lighting renovations in some of the museum's most visited public spaces with provision of state-of-the art Toshiba LED lighting and renovation costs.

Louvre Museum

As one of the world's most popular museums, the Louvre is aware of the need to replace energy-consuming xenon lighting with an environmentally-friendly solution. Toshiba LEDs are able to deliver this, and the company will use its energy-saving low-CO2 products to illuminate some of the Louvre's most familiar spaces: Under its partnership agreement, Toshiba LEDs will illuminate the Pyramids that greets visitors as they approach the museum, the Napol on Court, and the Cour carr e, the main entrance to the museum.

Renovation and installation of the Napol on Court and the Pyramid will be completed within 2011, and the Cour carr e is expected to be renovated within 2012.

Alongside environmental concerns, the Louvre's lighting must convey the intrinsic beauty of the museum and its spirit as the home to some of the world's greatest art. Toshiba has the technology for the task. The company recognises that lighting is much more than a means to brighten public spaces, and that Toshiba LEDs can do much more than contribute to saving energy.

Toshiba is taking its new lighting system business to a global level, with initial promotions in such regions as France, Germany, and the UK. Toshiba LED lamps have been available at retailers in France since January 2010. By further promoting its business, Toshiba aims 350 billion sales in FY2015.

Toshiba Group takes a proactive approach to creating value and promoting lifestyles in harmony with the Earth. In line with this principle, the company ceased production of general incandescent bulbs in March, 2010. Toshiba will further promote environmentally conscious management by working to mitigate global warming and make efficient use of resources.