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Digital Lumens Energy Saving Calculator helps facility managers determine energy cost

Digital Lumens Energy Saving Calculator helps facility managers determine energy cost

Write: Preyasi [2011-05-20]

Digital Lumens, the developer of the industry's first Intelligent Lighting System?, has launched a new Energy Savings Calculator .The Calculator helps facility managers determine energy costs and potential savings of various lighting alternatives over five years. They enter data about their facility and the Calculator provides customized projections of the energy costs of the installed lighting vs. alternatives, including the Digital Lumens Intelligent Lighting System.

With energy costs steadily increasing and estimates of energy use in commercial buildings escalating, evaluating how smart lighting can make a measurable difference in energy use is an easy first step toward aggressively reducing energy use, said Michael Feinstein, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Digital Lumens. A customized analysis of the potential savings is the most tangible way for facility managers and engineering staff to understand the positive impact of an Intelligent Lighting System on annual energy bills.

The Energy Savings Calculator enables facilities managers to submit basic information about their site, including type and number of lighting fixtures; fixture lamp wattage; kWh rate; type of facility; square footage; and operating hours. The Calculator then displays five-year analysis of costs and energy savings measured against three different lighting options: installed lighting, simple LED lights without intelligence and the Digital Lumens Intelligent Lighting System. Facility managers can also run what if scenarios to project the impact of a facility expansion or utility rate increases.

Designed for large warehouses and industrial facilities, the Digital Lumens Intelligent Lighting System integrates LEDs, sensors, networking and software into a single solution that leverages system-wide intelligence to reduce customers' energy costs. Introduced earlier this year and deployed in multiple sites, the system includes the Intelligent Light Engine ILE a high-performance, highbay LED-based fixture that has a broad range of control and dimming capabilities. The ILEs form a wireless mesh network and are individually configured and commissioned. The system also reports energy consumption and occupancy details, enabling facilities managers and engineers to refine the lighting program and further reduce energy use.