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LT Solutions looks to patent its own style of LED bulbs

LT Solutions looks to patent its own style of LED bulbs

Write: Dartagnan [2011-05-20]

Whenever anyone walks into his office, no matter who they are, Steven Furlong jumps to his feet, plugs in the light bulb near his desk and shoves it into his guest's hands. It's not hot.

The bulb is a new light-emitting diode LED design that produces much less heat - one of the big limits of standard LEDs.

The proof's in the pudding, he said. There's no way I could be faking that.

Furlong, president and CEO of Brooklyn Park-based LT Solutions Inc., has patents in the works on this and other models developed by his company. LT Solutions sells its own LED products - designed to replace traditional incandescent lighting - to a high-profile batch of commercial clients.