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Russian City Saves $26000 Annually with LED Street Lighting

Russian City Saves $26000 Annually with LED Street Lighting

Write: Gabi [2011-05-20]

The city of Kemerovo in Siberia is converting the city's street lighting to LED technology, which is expected to save the city 20,000 or about $26,000 annually, while helping the city reduce CO2 emissions.

Kemerovo has installed 200 street luminaires made by LLC TD Focus, which are equipped with Osram's Golden Dragon Oval Plus LEDs. Another 200 luminaires will be installed in the neighboring villages of Neftebazy and Leninsk-Kusnetsky.

Osram says these LEDs have been developed specifically for street lighting and meet special requirements to create an efficient lighting solution with minimal light pollution. Light output efficiency is on average between 65 to 95 lm/W.

The LED solution also is well suited for adverse weather conditions like freezing temperatures, rain, ice and snow, thanks to the operating life of LEDs and their radiant power increase in lower temperatures. Compared with conventional solutions using 150-W sodium high-pressure discharge lamps, the USS-90 Magistral street lamp, with a total power consumption of only 105-W, requires far less energy, says Osram.

Several cities in the U.S. including Los Angeles, Boston and New York also have been making the switch to LED technology for streetlights and other projects to cut down on their energy bills.