Murcia - Estrella Levante brewer, integrated in the Damm Group, the company has chosen Energy Saving Murcia Lidolight to renew their exterior lighting installations Espinardo Murcia Thanks to LED technology lights Lidolight, Estrella Levante achieved energy savings in outdoor lighting close to 69%, and a significant reduction in their emissions of CO2 carbon dioxide and SO2 sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.
To replace the previous download technology lamps have been installed a total of 44 LED lights of different categories, which together reach up to 3724 W of power compared to 11 992 W of power above the conventional system. The innovative LED technology has been developed to achieve maximum energy savings and environmental friendliness. This type of lighting eliminate light pollution, reduce between 50 and 60% power consumption, increase lighting efficiency above 90%, reduce emissions of CO2 and SO2, are fully recyclable, without waste pollutants, or emissions of mercury and sodium vapor contaminant as current lighting systems. They also bring greater uniformity and color reproduction to approximately 5500? Kelvin, which is whiter light, improving the vision of objects at night.
Estrella Levante maintains a constant environmental policy and technological developments which would put his head on the subject. As a continuation of this philosophy have been tested with LED lighting, as Manuel said Rubio, head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Estrella Levante: After three months of testing, the power consumption of the fixtures was 69% lower than with sodium vapor lights. In addition, they contributed the same luminous flux per unit area, since the LED light output goes to the floor and minimizes light pollution.
For Javier Lido, Technical Director of Energy Saving Lidolight LED lighting is not only environmentally sustainable and beneficial to health, long term also means cost savings for companies, since this type of lighting need less maintenance and have a longer life than traditional systems.
LED technology
LED technology acronym for Light Emitting Diode English or Light Emitting Diode also called cold light appears as the biggest revolution in lighting since Edison invented the light bulb. It is a semiconductor device diode that emits incoherent narrow-spectrum light when polarized directly the PN junction of it and he runs an electric current. Both from a functional point of view, as the development of the luminaire and light applications, make the high power LED is the lighting system of the future.
Their progress is replacing any other conventional technology for generating electricity, such as fluorescent or incandescent lamps downloads.
About Estrella Levante
Estrella de Levante was installed in 1963 in Espinardo and since then has tried to be always ahead in terms of quality. This is shown by all to be the first Spanish beer which won the Business Registration Certificate according to the International Standard UNE-EN ISO 9001 of 2000.
Regarding the environment, Estrella de Levante, as part of the group company Damm, has bet very strong both in terms of reducing energy costs, as in the eco-efficiency, coming to save 10 tonnes of Co2 a year. To show its concern and research in the section on eco-efficiency, recently received an award from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Region of Murcia.