An initiative to develop the UK's first printed lighting panel has received government funding and will officially start in November this year.
The manufacturing process to make a polymer light-emitting diode PLED luminaire will be proved and tested at the Printable Electronics Technology Centre PETEC - the UK's national design, development and prototyping facility based in County Durham, England. It will be made possible by the installation of a large-area coating line at PETEC in early 2011.
Thorn Lighting leads the TOPDRAWER Thin Organic Prototypes, Design, Research, Applications with Enduser Recognition project which will help to build a comprehensive UK PLED lighting supply chain. Plans are underway to demonstrate novel capabilities at the 2012 Olympics.
The project will receive a share of the ?8.4m investment, reserved for Plastic Electronics R&D, from the UK government-backed Technology Strategy Board.
Others in the consortium include
Cambridge Display Technology CDT
is presenting at
Printed Electronics & Photovoltaics USA 2010
Santa Clara, CA, USA
1 - 2 Dec 2010Cambridge Display Technology CDT Tridonic, Pilkington, Conductive Inkjet Technologies CIT and Durham University.