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IES Recognizes Carmanah Advanced Occupancy Sensing Technology

IES Recognizes Carmanah Advanced Occupancy Sensing Technology

Write: Ariza [2011-05-20]

Carmanah Technologies Corporation, a company known for its solar powered, LED luminaires has been recognized by the Illuminating Engineering Society IES in the 2010 IES Progress Report. The report recognizes the company's newly developed Advanced Occupancy Sensing technology, as providing a unique and significant advancement to the art and science of lighting.

According to Carmanah, the proprietary technology helps to overcome the limitations of conventional occupancy sensors that provide illumination only when motion is within a certain radius of the light. Unlike conventional occupancy sensors, Advanced Occupancy Sensing works with Carmanah EverGEN solar LED lights and provides for the synchronized activation of an entire network of lights when just one light within the network senses motion.