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PKU Wins First Place in BUVA Championships

PKU Wins First Place in BUVA Championships

Write: Gwenhyvar [2011-05-20]

Peking University, Beijing, Dec. 16, 2009: The PKU volleyball team won the women s championships and placed third in the men s group for the 2009 Beijing University Volleyball Association s (BUVA) annual championship held at Beijing Jiaotong University.

PKU Wins First Place in BUVA Championships

The Championship was hosted by the Federation University Sports of Beijing,and 22 men s team and 14 women s team from 22 Beijing universities took part in this event. The PKU women s volleyball team won the champion through defeating the strong teams of previous years: the Communication University of China and Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. The PKU men s team defeated the teams of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Beijing Institute of Technology to get the third place in the contest. Both teams have brought PKU glory.

Under the care and support of PKU, the Volleyball Association has actively participated in the National Hundreds of Millions Students Sunshine Sports sponsored by the Ministry of Education. They have taken part in various contests held within and outside of PKU as well and won numerous awards meanwhile.

In the mean time, they also have organized conventional contests like Freshman Cup and PKU Cup on campus, which have promoted the development of volleyball at PKU, and enriched students daily lives. The leaders of the association plan to make use of this victory to speed up the development of volleyball sport and culture in PKU.

Translated by: Su Juan

Edited by: Jennifer Yan

Source:PKU News (Chinese)