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Exchange And Win - Forte Club Customer Exchange Drop Curtain

Exchange And Win - Forte Club Customer Exchange Drop Curtain

Write: Henleigh [2011-05-20]

On Oct.28 and in the afternoon of 29th, Forte Club had a sincere talk with its customers on the fourth floor in Forsun Business Building. Peputy general manager of Forte Group, Mr. Wang Ning, representatives from Integrated Communication Department, Sales Management Department, Foreal Property Management presented the talk and discussed ways of future coorperations with above 30 guests presented. The exchange was easy, active, straightforward with laughters and innovtive sparkles all through the talk.
On the talk, representatives gave a summary and reflection to previous coorperations in first stage and the realization of club members'''''''' real consumptions. Both parties realized that constant development and hot sale of Forte''''''''s products as well as the concentration of the club members with strong consuming powers will lead to an indefinite market developing prospect. Sticking to the aim of winning together with Forte, Club members and clients, Forte Club will quicken its adjustments and responses in its coorperations with clients accroding to market and customer''''''''s needs.
Many wonderful and constructive suggestions were given during the talk on coorperations with club members like: clarify customers and clients, provide individualized services, develop extensive priviliage and many other measures; organize talks between Forte, clients and club members to explore consumers''''''''s desires; to develop a "Green Channel" guidance to guide club members'''''''' consumptions. Forte will gradually perform and accomplish all these plans in its future work.
Coorperation with clients on depth and width were also discussed during the talk. The Sales Management Department introduced the newly developed commercial property in the talk which attracted deep interests of the clients and three of them put forward of their requests of a site visiting right in the talk and expressed that they were going to hold further discussions with Forte on details. A message is given out here that Forte provides multi-channels in its service to clients and they communicate to club members as well as to the interior of the group itself to extend the resources within the coorperation group to its maximum.
The shart talk ended, but it brings a profound reflecton to Forte. It will take much thought and practice to convert the theory of resource clarification into practical operation model and to arise more inspirations. However, Forte is exciting about the success of the talk. We firmly believe that this talk is only a start and Forte will in future keep far deeper and wider exchanges with its clients and club members. Forte Group is expecting a closer coorperation with powerful business units to extend the advantages of each side for mutual benefits and running a more powerful Forte Club to provide even more efficent and prompt service to its members.