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Mr.Fan Wei, CEO, Elected First Group of Brilliant Young Property Entrepreneurs

Mr.Fan Wei, CEO, Elected First Group of Brilliant Young Property Entrepreneurs

Write: Ardelle [2011-05-20]

Currently, the result of Brilliant (Excellent) Young Entrepreneurs in Shanghai Property Industry campaign was announced. Mr. Fan Wei, CEO of Forte Group, was named as one of Excellent Young Entrepreneurs for his Improve operating efficiency by management strategy.
The campaign was jointly organized by Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce Residential Chamber and Shanghai Youth Association . Since the start-up in September, the campaign had drawn attentions from all levels of society and over a hundred of application forms had been handed in. After careful auditing of organizing committee, 36 applicants were formally named and their personal documents were published to ask for options from the society. The result was finally made by a ballot of evaluation committee. 10 Brilliant Young Entrepreneurs in Shanghai Property Industry and 15 Excellent Young Entrepreneurs in Shanghai Property Industry were nominated.
As brilliant and excellent delegate in Shanghai property industry, President Fan will continue to make efforts with Forte Group, so as to encourage youth and guide healthy development of Shanghai property industry.