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Welcome to the Forte Contest of Photography, Paintings and Writings

Welcome to the Forte Contest of Photography, Paintings and Writings

Write: Dunbar [2011-05-20]

Since the press time for the Contest of Photography, Paintings and Writings, which is sponsored by Forte Club will become due soon, many Forte club members participate in actively. The office of Forte Club is swarmed with different kind of paintings and pictures. Hundreds of pieces of works are also sent through internet or mails.
With the theme of heartbeat by heartbeat, hand by hand , the contest aims to show the true color of the nature and the society through the most touching images and stories provided by the participants. Those paintings, pictures and writings are required not necessarily to be artistic but to be genuine and natural. It is hoped that the club members could find the good aspect of the world and to feel how beautiful the world is with their hearts.
All the Forte Club members and their family members are welcome to take part in the contest to share their wonderful time with others.