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Evergrande was Included in Morgan Stanley Index

Evergrande was Included in Morgan Stanley Index

Write: Chitrangda [2011-05-20]

Since Evergranded was listed last year, its performance has been strong with large growth potential, powerful executive capability, and the unique mode of standardized operation. Yesterday, Morgan Stanley declared to include Evergrande (HK. 3333) in MSCI China Index. This adjustment will become valid at the end of this month.

According to the data, established in 1968, MSCI is the first standard supplier in the world. At present, more than 2,000 international investment institutions adopt MSCI as their standard for more than three trillion USD of funds. Most MSCI indexes are the standard indexes for funds and the reference indexes which are most widely used in the investment circle for representing the performance of capital markets in different countries and regions.

It is learned that there are four quarterly adjustments eavery year for MSCI indexes, respectively in February, May, August, and November Among them, the adjustments in May and November are the semi-annual ones, because the consideration levels are quite comprehensive, and the influence is quite profound and lasting.

There are 15 constituent stocks included in the MSCI China Index in the adjustment this November. Except Evergrande, 1/3 of the stocks are the resource stocks with strong performance in the global stock market recently. According to analysis, the fact that Evergrande was included in MSCI China Index indicates the acknowledgment of authoritative investment institution for the performance of Evergrande. In addition, the nomination of Evergrande will also have positive impact on the value fluctuation of heavy-weight shares and the market trend.

It is learned that according to the sales performance of Evergrande in October, Evergrande had achieved 41.16 billion yuan in the past 10 months this year, overachieving the full-year sales target in advance. On that day, the performance of Evergrande s share price was strong. The highest intra-day price was up to 4.

06 HKD, and the closing quotation was 4.05 HKD, with an increase of 7.427% on that day, and the share price hit a new high in the recent 300 days. The share price of Evergrande returned to 4.05 HKD from the lowest value with a rebound up to 120.218%. Evergrande has become an index stock with the greatest influence in Hong Kong stocks, providing more impetus for large-cap stocks day by day.

According to other information, in the middle of August this year, Morgan Stanley announced that it was increasing the proportion of real estate stocks in its Chinese portfolio model. At that time, Jerry Lou, an analyst of MSCI, released a report, saying that the increase of supply of commercial houses would further promote the developers to reduce prices.

A minority of real estate developers that dared to reduce the prices at the early stage of the regulation and control of the real estate market had achieved good performance in terms of sales quantity. He also said that there would be a new round of rebound of the sales volume in the real estate market of China and suggested investors to continue increasing their holding of Chinese real estate stocks.