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New Year Gathering

New Year Gathering

Write: Shashwat [2011-05-20]

On February 14, Chaoda Group held its 2008 New Year Gathering in the headquarters' multimedia conference room. Kwok Ho, Chairman of Chaoda, presided over the meeting and greeted all the staff.

During the meeting, the chiefs of functional and business units shared their views and suggestions regarding the 2008 working agenda and challenges. Their suggestions were constructive and will be valuable for the Group's future development.

The meeting highlighted brand building as the most important task for the Group in 2008. The Group will focus on brand building, while integrating, developing, and reinforcing its business. The 2008 goals also include management and human resource improvements.

The meeting also pointed out that every unit and every staff member of the Group should identify opportunities and challenges in the New Year. Every unit should strive to complete all assigned tasks and should cooperate with other units in order to build a united entity. The Group will further strengthen human resources and performance appraisal to build a rational, effective and long-term human resources development program and promote a positive work ethic.