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Women Shine at Chaoda

Women Shine at Chaoda

Write: Spalding [2011-05-20]

-- Chaoda Group celebrates International Women's Day

On March 8, celebrations for International Women's Day, "Women Shine at Chaoda", were held at Multi- functional Room in the headquarters. Chen Junhua, Vice President, and Wang Zhiqun, Chairman of the Working Committee, participated in the event to celebrate with women from various departments.

Vice President Chen offered best wishes of the Chaoda Group to all its female managers and employees. He said that women had been a major force in Chaoda since its inception and have contributed greatly to development of the business. He encouraged women to adopt values of self-respect, dignity, strength and independence, and to link their personal development to corporate goals. Mr. Chen also expressed the wish that all women at Chaoda would build productive and rewarding careers under the leadership of the Company, the Communist Party and the Working Committee.

The atmosphere was joyful and women celebrated the day with cultural performances and interactive games.