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National Backbone Bearing Heavy Burden Goes Far

National Backbone Bearing Heavy Burden Goes Far

Write: Carleigh [2011-05-20]

Central EnterpriseReform and Development Report During the 11 5-year Plan

The 11 five-year period is an unique 5-year in the process of the China economic development and is also an unique 5-year for Central enterprise reform and development.

In the past 5 years, Central enterprises firmly implemented the each decision and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to effectively reply each challenge, keep stable and faster development, double the total assets, operating income, net profit and turn-over tax, and further enhance the enterprise vitality and influence.

In the past 5 years, Central enterprise reform and development made a new progress. Structure adjustment was strengthened, technical innovation was observably improved. Central enterprises actively fulfilled social responsibility, invariably the first to charge and strive to sustain great responsibility facing events and difficult affairs, and made the outstanding contribution to the national economic and social development.