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YCF Holds Symposium on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

YCF Holds Symposium on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

Write: Mirabelle [2011-05-20]

On the afternoon of June 21, YCF held a symposium on energy saving and emission reduction. At the meeting, YCF summarized this year's work on energy saving and reduction of pollution emission, and also made arrangement for improving the work. YCF leaders Xiao Weizhen, Shen Xijun and Zhang Zhong'an attended the meeting and proposed some specific requirements. Also attending the meeting were major front-line managers and staff in charge of energy saving and emission reduction.

In accordance with the headquarters'requirements and YCF's "Eleventh-five Energy Saving Plan", every unit detailed the energy saving targets at the beginning of this year. Through annual economic efficiency responsibility and management target handbooks, the energy saving targets have been subdivided and assigned to the secondary units.

At the symposium on saving energy, water and clean production in the first quarter, the progress in the annual targets and the implementation of energy and water saving and clean production was examined. Meanwhile, energy basic management has been intensified for enhancing the standardization of energy management.

Xiao emphasized at the meeting that target achievement of energy saving and emission reduction had not just been requirements of governments and China Petrochemical Corporation. Moreover, it is significant for enterprises to improve economic efficiency and fulfill social responsibility. Therefore, the recognition fro the importance and urgency of the task should be improved.

Though YCF has achieved a little in the work this year, it's far from the enterprise development requirements. Xiao proposed some specific requirements for the improvement of the energy saving and emission reduction work.

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