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YCF Holds Symposium on 2007 Technique Competition

YCF Holds Symposium on 2007 Technique Competition

Write: Drystan [2011-05-20]

On the afternoon of October 17, the YCF Labor Union held the symposium on the 2007 technique competition at the Yijing Peninsula Hotel. Present at the meeting were YCF leaders Qian Hengge and Cao Yong, who reiterated that more attention should be paid to the improvement of employee qualities. YCF granted awards to 36 winners of the competition in the symposium.

After realizing the specialization reorganization, according to the demands of reform and development, the technique competition used to be operated by YCF, but now adopted a boldly innovated organization form, being sponsored by YCF and undertaken by production centers concerned. This had effectively promoted the morale of all production centers and received unanimous applause and recognition among employees for its facilitating role in the promotion of the grass-roots technique competition and position training.

Over the past three years, YCF had hosted technique competition for 20 types of work, with 12 persons being promoted to technicians, 42 to senior workers and 10 to intermediate workers in virtue of the contest, with 134 honored winners. The development of a series of technique competitions and "Chuangzheng establishing learning organizations and striving for learning workers", has fostered a favorable atmosphere for technique learning, business delving and position training and brought out lots of technical business models and master-hands with high-level comprehensive qualities and business capacities.

The technique competition has also led to the transition on the part of employees from passive learning to self-driven pursuit of knowledge as well as from improvised study to full prior preparations. The continuous improvement of their technical qualities has laid a solid foundation for guaranteeing the stability of production facilities.

In his speech, Qian made positive comments on this year's technique competition, pointing out that more importance should be attached to the improvement of employee qualities. He also emphasized that a mechanism should be set up for the quality improvement. Measures like competition for posts and performance assessment should be taken for improving qualities of employees, and thus breaking the limits between workers and cadres.

Specifically, firstly, all centers should work hard on the multi-level training, i.e., the suitable and pertinent training for in-house employees; secondly, relevant departments should put special emphasis on the promotion-oriented training; thirdly, the training should be transformed in the direction of the compound type, namely, both the skilled operators and professional management talents are supposed to specialized in one field but have multiple extra abilities.

Qian hopes that the competition winners would be more dedicated in their future work and give further play to their leading roles as backbones. He also called on the YCF Labor Union, Human Resource Department and relevant units for better organization of future technique competitions, requesting them to attach even greater importance to the improvement of the employees' technical qualities.

Besides, in combination with the units' actual conditions, continual improvements should be made through arduous thinking in the hope of raising next year's competition to a new level.

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