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A tome about tipple

A tome about tipple

Write: Ekta [2011-05-20]

A collector's edition book produced by the Shanxi province-based Fenjiu Wine Group about China's liquor culture was unveiled to the public at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on Jan 21.

The Selection of Poems, Calligraphy, Paintings and Prose on Xinghua Village showcases the historical culture of Fenjiu wine with 125 famous poems, more than 180 calligraphic and traditional painting works, and 17 prose works - all about Fenjiu wine. The spirit originated from Shanxi province about 5,000 years ago. Its primary production base, Xinghua village, is the setting of a renowned Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) poem.

Fenjiu Wine Group representatives also donated copies of the book to the National Library of China at the book launch.