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Report: US men's footwear manufacturing

Report: US men's footwear manufacturing

Write: Laibrook [2011-05-20]

This June edition of Men's Footwear (except Athletic) Manufacturing Industry report is the comprehensive market research guide for the industry. It publishes the latest information on the industry's key financial data, competitive landscape, cost and pricing, and trends during the current economic environment.

In 2009, the value of imported products within this industry into the U.S. was relatively high, at approximately 510% of U.S. production. Because of this reliance on imports, the report covers the foreign trade statistics including the top 25 countries the U.S. imports from and their respective import values. This industry exhibits a high amount of trade activity, because in 2009, the value of exported products within this industry into the U.S. has also been relatively high, at approximately 30% of U.S. production. This reliance on exports is also covered in the report's foreign trade statistics. The downstream analysis section of this industry reveals a large dependency on personal consumption. Understanding the recessionary effects on consumer consumption for products within this industry is essential.

At 156 pages with over 150 charts and tables, the report's extensive coverage includes topics such as current macroeconomic trends, granular product data, global trade, channel mix, government demand, and labor structure. It relies on over a decade of historical data and enhanced forecasting to project industry trends through 2014 on the domestic market, global market and overseas growth opportunities.

This current report contains shipment data, inventory levels, international trade volume, and industry specific price indices through April 2010. Industry analysts and Fortune 500 customers rely on this quarterly report to make accurate forecasts and planning in today's uncertain economy.

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In this report, you will find industry data on the following major categories:

Executive Summary
-- Quick Industry Statistics: 2-page overview for the CEO on the run
-- Supply & Demand with Capacity Utilization
-- 2010-2014 Forecast

Industry Income Statement
-- All relevant financial data including: Revenue, Cost of Materials, Labor Costs, Gross Profit, SG&A, Net Income, etc.
-- 4-year Financials Comparison and Trends

Industry Balance Sheet
-- Traditional key elements of Assets, Liabilities, and Equity
-- Inventory fabrication stages
-- Calculated balance sheet ratios

Capital Expenditure
-- Plant additions and expansions
-- Computer and IT investments
-- Machinery and Equipment for production and material handling

Industry Cost Analysis
-- Upstream Industries and the cost allocations towards producer, wholesale, retail, and freight
-- Materials and their percentage share of total material costs

Industry Pricing Analysis
-- Producer Pricing Indices at industry, wholesale, and retail levels for comparison and trend forecasting
-- Pricing Distribution among Downstream Industries differentiated at producer, wholesale, retail, and freight categories

Industry Foreign Trade
-- Detailed Import/Export Data by commodities and by countries
-- Mode of Shipment and insurance and freight costs

Industry Structure
-- Labor and Compensation Structure: productivity indices, hourly wages, production hours, output index, HR structure
-- Establishments: Trends, Employee Statistics, State by State numbers
-- Valued added statistics: industry GDP contribution

Competitive Landscape
-- Industry Concentration: HHI, number of companies, size distributions, market shares
-- Major Players: company profiles and market size ranges

(Please see the full table of contents for more details)

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Title Index:

-- Definition
-- Related Industries
-- Comparison to U.S. Manufacturing Sector
-- Scope
-- History
Executive Summary
-- Quick Statistics
-- Supply, Demand & Capacity Utilization
-- 2010-14 Forecast
----- Shipments
Industry Income Statement
-- Revenue (Value of Shipments, Net Sales)
-- Compensation (Payroll & Fringe Benefits)
----- Salaries
----- Wages
----- Fringe Benefits
----- Compensation Distribution
-- Cost of Materials
----- Materials Cost Excluding Fuel & Energy
----- Electricity Cost
----- Fuel Costs
----- Materials Consumption Breakdown
-- Gross Profit
-- Other Costs
----- Administrative, Sales and Marketing Expenses
----- Current and Deferred Taxes
-- Net Income
----- Income (or Loss) From Operations (EBIT)
----- Other Non-Operating Income
----- Income (or Loss) Before Income Taxes (NIBT)
----- Income (or Loss) After Income Taxes
----- Earnings before Interest, Depreciation & Taxes (EBIDT)
Industry Balance Sheet
-- Assets
----- Cash and Government Securities
----- Accounts Receivable
----- Inventories
----- Inventories Stage of Fabrication Ratios
----- Total Current Assets
----- Current Assets Distribution Chart
----- Property and Other Non-Current Assets
-- Liabilities
----- Current Liabilities
----- Total Liabilities
-- Equity
----- Stockholders' Equity
----- Profit on Stockholders' Equity before Income Tax
----- Profit on Total Assets before Income Tax
----- Total Current Assets to Total Current Liabilities
----- Total Cash & Government Securities to Total Current Liabilities
Capital Expenditures
-- Building & Structure
-- Machine and Equipment Expenditures (including Automobile & Computers)
-- Computers
-- Automobile & Highway
-- Other Machine & Equipment
Product Market Sizes
Cost Analysis
-- Upstream Industries
Pricing Analysis
-- Producer Price Indices
----- Industry-Level Producer Price Indices
----- Manufacturing Sector PPI
----- Producer Price Index - Wholesale Sector
----- Producer Price Index - Retail Sector
----- Consumer Price Index - All Items
----- Consumer Price Index - Durable Goods
----- Consumer Price Index - Non-Durable Goods
----- Consumer Price Index - Electricity
----- Consumer Price Index - Gasoline
-- Pricing Distribution
-- Downstream Industries
Industry Foreign Trade
-- Import
----- Import Process
----- Harmonized Tariff Schedule
----- Top Import Commodities Analysis
----- Ranking - Countries US Imported From
----- Top 5 Countries US Imported From
----- Top 25 Countries US Imported From
----- Importing Insurance and Freight Cost Index by Country
----- Import Total Value from 2000 to 2012
----- Import Total Quantity from 2000 to 2012
----- Import Export Total Value Comparison from 2000 to 2012
----- Import Export Total Quantity Comparison from 2000 to 2012
----- Import Price Indices from 2000 to 2012
----- Comparison of Import & Export Price Indices from 2000 to 2012
-- Export
----- Domestic Exports
----- Foreign Exports (Re-exports)
----- Export Statistics Summary
----- Top Export Commodities Analysis
----- Ranking - Countries US Exported To
----- Top 5 Countries US Exported To
----- Top 25 Countries US Exported To
----- Export Total Value from 2000 to 2012
----- Export Total Quantity from 2000 to 2012
----- Export Price Indices from 2000 to 2012
Industry Structure
-- Labor and Compensation
----- Trend
----- Production Workers
----- Production Workers to Total Employees Ratio
----- Hourly Wages
----- Production Hours Trend
----- Contribution (Revenue) per Production Worker
----- Annual Wage per Production Worker
----- Production Worker Contribution (Revenue) Ratio
----- Revenue to Number of Workers
----- Labor Productivity (output per hour)
----- Labor Input Index (total labor hours)
----- Output Index
----- Unit Labor Cost Index
----- Labor Compensation Index
----- Output per Worker Index
----- All Worker Index
----- Human Resources - Occupations
-- Establishments
----- Trend
----- Average Number of Employees per Establishment
----- Contribution (Revenue) per Establishment
----- Establishment Sizes by Number of Employees
----- Establishments by U.S. States
-- Value-Added
-- Sustainability
Competitive Landscape
-- Industry Concentration
-- Industry Aggregate
-- Major Players
Appendix A - Additional Foreign Trade Statistics
-- Trading Countries' Rank
-- Top 5 US Trading Countries and Other
-- Top 25 US Trading Countries
Appendix B - Industry U.S. States' Statistics
-- Production Workers Ratio
-- Average Hourly Wage
-- Average Annual Salary
-- Cost of Materials Ratio
-- Capital Expenditure Ratio
-- Industry Shipment Ratios
-- Electricity Consumption and Environmental Impact
-- Fuel Consumption and Environmental Impact
Appendix C - Additional Links
-- Trade Associations
-- Trade Publications
-- Trade Shows
-- Industry Standards
-- Legislation, Regulation, Tax and Environmental Related Issues
----- Industry Specific Regulatory Agencies
----- Non-Industry Specific Regulatory Agencies
Appendix D - Industry's 4-Year Financial Statement
Appendix E - Report Methodology
-- Data Sourcing
-- Data Collection & Integration
-- Data Analysis
-- Data Presentation
-- Human Factors


Electronic (Single User) : EUR 492
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CD ROM : EUR 698
Electronic (Site License) : EUR 985
Electronic (Enterprisewide) : EUR 2052

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Laura Wood
Senior Manager
Research and Markets Ltd