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Dash for Jimmy Choo shoes ends with a winner

Dash for Jimmy Choo shoes ends with a winner

Write: Callista [2011-05-20]

Dash for Jimmy Choo shoes ends with a winner

Shoe lovers in London can give their Blackberries and iPhones a rest after one lucky fashionista won the race for a pair of free Jimmy Choos.

Tina Saul, who has been following the trainers for the last three weeks on Web sites Foursquare and Twitter, managed to bag them for herself, beating hundreds of other competitors.

"I actually ended up running after the Jimmy Choos, which was quite amusing," Saul said in an emailed statement.

The "CatchaChoo" race offered the chance to keep a free pair of the shoes so beloved by celebrities if contestants could figure out where they were in London according to clues left on social networking sites Twitter, Facebook and foursquare.com.

A picture of the shoes was taken in a location publicized on the Foursquare Web site, where a company representative waited for a short period of time with the shoes on display.

For Saul to win the shoes she had to race to the location, approach the representative and say: "I've been following you."

The competition began on April 19th.

A spokeswoman said CatchaChoo could be on the move to another major city.