TAD Mineral Exploration: Final Data From Hazelton Drill Program
TAD Mineral Exploration Inc. ("TAD" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:TJ) wishes to announce the results from the multiple split core samples (from SD10DDH-1, 2, 3, 4 & 6) that returned >100 ppm tungsten (W) at the Hazelton Prospect in British Columbia. The anomalous tungsten bearing sample intervals occur adjacent to base and precious metal bearing zones. The following table lists core samples that returned geochemical analysis > 0.01% W:
Sample Number W %
164005 0.014
164044 0.024
164051 0.018
164065 0.124
164201 0.012
164333 0.06
The anomalous tungsten bearing sample intervals occur adjacent to (within 1-5 meters of) base and precious metal bearing zones and in the case of sample no 164333 (V10DDH-6), there is anomalous gold (0.21 g/t Au), and tungsten (0.06% W), across an interval length of 1 meter in the same sample. The association of gold and tungsten is common in certain intrusion related deposit types, and occurs as mesothermal mineralization hosted by quartz monzonite/granite, characterized by essentially isothermal conditions from deeply circulating hydrothermal solutions at intermediate depths, temperature of formation of 200-300 degrees C and high pressure.
The spatial association of quartz monzonite/granite to gold-tungsten bearing mineralization is such that the intrusions act as heat sources responsible for establishment of circulating hydrothermal systems, forming en echelon, sheeted veins occurring in response to structural/chemical traps. Deposits with similar characteristics to the Hazelton North Project are the Fairbanks, Alaska and Keno Hill area of the Yukon Territory.
Jason Gigliotti, director of TAD states, "This past Hazelton drill program was successful in beginning to outline a potential precious metal deposit. Additionally, above limit tungsten assays provide the Company with an additional commodity to pursue in the future. The Company anticipates getting back to the property in the coming months to expand on what has been discovered to date. Management is also actively searching for additional prospects that may enhance shareholder value."
Andris Kikauka, P.Geo. has reviewed the technical data in this news release.
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