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Incandescents fading, but options shine

Incandescents fading, but options shine

Write: Matai [2011-05-20]

Incandescents fading, but options shine

It's lights out for some of the most popular bulbs on the market.

To help cut the amount of energy Americans consume, federal laws will soon prohibit the sale of some incandescent bulbs. California began the process early, starting its phase-out last month. The rest of the country will begin next year.

There's no need to hoard bulbs, though.

It's not an outright ban. Some incandescent bulbs like aquarium lights and specialty bulbs for appliances aren't affected. Essentially, most new bulbs must use 25 percent to 30 percent less energy, beginning in 2012 with the 100-watt bulb, which manufacturers soon will stop making. By 2014, traditional 75-watt, 60-watt and 40-watt bulbs also will be phased out.

The changes were part of the federal Energy Independence and Security Act, which President George W. Bush signed in 2007 as a step to reduce energy use. California was allowed to adopt the national standard a year early. Many other countries already have adopted similar standards.

The issue is that incandescent bulbs, which create light by passing electric current through a wire filament, waste the bulk of that energy producing heat instead of light. So the law is nudging us toward alternatives that use slightly different technology.

But this doesn't mean replacing all your fixtures or enduring the cold tones of early-generation fluorescents. Consumers have their choice of a number of alternatives such as halogen lights, compact fluorescent bulbs and light-emitting diodes known as LEDs.

Here are the basics on how to light up your life:

What's new

Lighting experts say there's a lot of confusion. So, to be clear: You don't have to throw out your old bulbs or replace any fixtures. You will still be able to find bulbs for all your devices. It's the bulbs themselves and shopping for them that will be a bit different.

Cost: Energy-efficient bulbs can be several times more expensive than traditional incandescents, depending on the type, but they last several times longer and typically save you money in the long run.

Tone: A common concern is the quality of new bulbs' light, and it is different.

But Anne Maloney, lighting chief at Rejuvenation, a specialty lighting business in Portland, Ore., suggests paying attention to the "color" of the light. Fluorescents are now available in a variety of colors. Some also have an encasement that makes them look like traditional bulbs, which can soften the light they emit.

Lighting experts also point out that you get what you pay for. If you buy the cheapest bulbs, you tend to get lower-quality components that produce harsher light.


There are three common alternatives, and experts say technology is constantly improving.

Halogen: Energy-efficient halogen bulbs are the entry-level choice. Jorge Fernandez, light bulb merchant for Home Depot Inc. says he thinks of the choices in terms of good, better and best with halogen at "good." They use the same tungsten filament as incandescents. But when the electrical current is applied and the tungsten evaporates, it is captured by halogen compounds and redeposited on the filament. This chemical reaction both extends the bulb's life and consumes less energy, with light similar to an incandescent bulb's. Halogens generate more heat, though, and can pose a fire risk.

Compact fluorescent: Often referred to as CFLs, these are the most common alternative, and they use far less energy than incandescent bulbs and last up to nine times longer. CFLs run electric current through a tube filled with gases to produce ultraviolet radiation, which activates a phosphorous coating on the inside of the glass, producing light.

LEDs: These probably last longest. But they are expensive and the technology isn't truly ready for household use because LED bulbs aren't yet made to fit many fixtures. Also, Fernandez noted, LEDs are available to match 40-watt and 60-watt incandescent outputs but not 75-watt or 100-watt.

Terminology: It's time to learn a few words beyond "watt" to help you pick the right bulb. There are often watt equivalents listed but it's an inexact match.

"All of a sudden you have to think about things you've never thought about before," says Maloney.

The most convenient measure is "lumens." These indicate the brightness of light and offer a way to compare light bulbs made with different technologies. This measure is typically listed on a bulb's package and the bulb's base.

Another key term to remember is "kelvin," a unit of measurement for temperature. For light bulbs, it indicates the color "temperature": The lower on the kelvin scale a bulb is, the "warmer" its light. It's like a campfire burning red at lower temperatures but blue or white where it's hotter.

Disposal: The mercury content of compact fluorescents is fairly low, about 5 mg in each bulb, according to Rejuvenation. And that doesn't pose a safety problem for individuals, the store says.

The problem arises in disposal. If enough fluorescents accumulate in landfills, that could have serious environmental impact. Many cities include the bulbs in their e-waste or hazardous waste disposal and recycling programs. And several retailers, including Home Depot and Rejuvenation, accept used bulbs for recycling.

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