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Desperate Songstress (feng kuang ge nu)

Desperate Songstress (feng kuang ge nu)

Write: Harcourt [2011-05-20]
Desperate Songstress (feng kuang ge nu)
By ChinaFilm.com Published: 2008-06-05
A performance by the passionate pop singer Wu Yani is rocked by an explosion. Investigations by police officer Li Wei determine that the victim of the explosion is none other than Wu Yani s husband Zhang Changshun, whom she married during her years living in the countryside. Is Wu Yani herself the real murderer?
Screenplay: Xiao Maomao, Lin Hongtong
Director: Lin Hongtong
Cinematography: Zhang Zhongping, De Lisheng
Starring: Mao Ahmin, Ma Chongle, Guo Xuxin
Running time: 92 min.
Produced by the Inner Mongolia Film Studio
Produced in 1989