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Enigma at St. Paul Hospital (sheng bao luo yi yuan zhi mi)

Enigma at St. Paul Hospital (sheng bao luo yi yuan zhi mi)

Write: Lora [2011-05-20]
Enigma at St. Paul Hospital (sheng bao luo yi yuan zhi mi)
By ChinaFilm.com Published: 2008-06-04
In early 1950, shortly after Chengdu has been liberated, over half of the city s power supply has to be cut thus halting production, because KMT spies have planted bombs in the power station. Public Security chief Xiao Fan follows a new lead in the bomb case when he and his men start to investigate the death of Ya Na, a St. Pal Hospital nurse. Yu s father, chief engineer at the power station, also died in the hospital, shortly after he has designed the bomb. Xiao Fan s endeavors at St. Paul s finally pa off when he discovers the truth behind the deaths, and succeeds in crushing the KMT bomb conspiracy at the power station.
Screenplay: Zhao Erhuan
Director: Mi Jiashan
Cinematography: Li Erkang, Fu Wei
Art Director: Gao Chunlin
Music: Xiao Gang, Li Xilin
Starring: Cai Hongxiang, Li Geng, Chen Maya
Running time: 99 min.
Produced by Emei Film Studio
Produced in 1991