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Eyes of the People (960 wan shuang yan jing)

Eyes of the People (960 wan shuang yan jing)

Write: Townsend [2011-05-20]
Eyes of the People (960 wan shuang yan jing)
By ChinaFilm.com Published: 2008-06-04
As soon as Xiang Dake, head of the Supervisory Department, takes his position, he gets a knotly case. Ni Dagong, a department director of the Taifeng Company is involved in fraud, but he is protected by his father, Ni Dajiang, the deputy governor of the province. In addition, Gu Zhen, advisor and Party secretary of the Company, is responsible for an accident at the Children s Palace, but she s not sued. After an investigation, Xiang decides to stop the Taifeng Company profiteering in steel. The chief director, Sha Feifei, cunning and crafty, tries to thwart his efforts, and Ni Dajiang tris to shield the Taifeng Company. In this situation, Xiang feels the people all look at him. At last the criminals are brought to justice.
Screenplay: Xie Haiwei, Li Baoqun
Directors: Liu Shu an, Zheng Jianmin
Cinematography: Ma Gaiwa
Music: Xu Changjun
Starring: Wang Zhigang, Jiang Lili
Running time: 94 min.
Produced by Beijing Film Studio
Produced in 1991