Oil Equipment Companies to Compete for Display at cippe2010
Danior [2011-05-20]
According to figures released by China's National Bureau of Statistics, China's major industrial enterprises (with an operating revenue exceeding RMB 5 million) generated a total profit of RMB 2,589.1 billion last year, increasing 7.8 percent on an annual basis. The figures indicate an overall recovery of the oil and chemical engineering equipment industry, once heavily impacted by the financial crisis.
Overseas delegations significantly expanding their exhibition areas; the expo highlighting cooperation between Chinese and U.S. enterprises.
China's economic recovery has been well reflected by cippe's successful three-month registration process. The U.S. delegation has reserved a total area of 1,600 square meters, while the Canadian delegation, a second-year exhibitor, expanded its exhibition area from last year's 72 square meters to 240 square meters. As such, the two North American delegations are to compete for display at cippe2010.
cippe2010's international registration process is still under way. The French, German, Norwegian, Italian and Russian delegation have respectively reserved an area of 440, 640, 360, 252 and 640 square meters. The UK, a newcomer to cippe, has confirmed the booking of an area of 360 square meters. It is believed that the international delegation area will remain a notable platform for displaying the international oil technologies and equipment.
In addition, the organizer of cippe will carry out extensive cooperation with Municipality of Houston on a forum held concurrently. The Municipality will dispatch a delegation consisting of municipality officials, multi-national executives, sourcing managers and technicians to attend the 2010 International Oil and Chemistry Engineering Equipment Industry Development Forum ("the Forum") and deliver speeches. It is believed that the cippe platform will help the Chinese and U.S.
enterprises seek alliance and complement each other.
cippe2010 to employ one more exhibition hall this year, with total area expected to exceed 70,000 square meters. Meanwhile, the registration of leading domestic companies has also shown a sharp increase from last year. They have confirmed the booking of a total area of 45,000 square meters, with over 100 companies' reserved area exceeding 100 square meters, and 10 companies' exceeding 500 square meters. cippe, through its ten-year endeavor, has made cippe2010 the most valued exhibition platform for oil equipment in Asia. As predicted by the organizer, cippe2010 will cover an exhibition area of 65,000 square meters, hence the organizer's decision in August 2009 to employ one more exhibition hall.
The Forum will be held concurrently with cippe2010. With a theme of "transformation, innovation and upgrade," the forum will bring under one roof, professionals from oil and chemical engineering-related Chinese government bodies, China's three oil giants, leading international oil companies, international industry associations, equipment manufacturers, oilfield service companies and engineering companies. Centering on the adjustment and revitalization plan for the equipment manufacturing industry issued by the Chinese government, they will discuss a number of urgent issues facing the oil and chemical engineering equipment industry.
Concurrent events also include the 2nd China FPSO Seminar, the 2010 FLNG Forum, the ATEX Seminar, along with a number of other seminars under preparation.
cippe2010 will take place at New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing between March 22 and 24, 2010. cippe has long been committed to creating for industry players a more professional international exhibition and exchange platform for oil and chemical engineering equipment.
Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd.Zhenwei Exhibition GroupCrystal
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+86- 13260490179 cippe@zhenweiexpo.com : mailto:cippe@zhenweiexpo.com qinyao-11@163.com : mailto:qinyao-11@163.com www.cippe.com.cn :