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Pertamina Signs Gas Deals Worth $265M

Pertamina Signs Gas Deals Worth $265M

Write: Lindley [2011-05-20]
Indonesian state-run oil and gas company Pertamina EP signed four contracts worth US$265 million, as part of the Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency BP Migas' efforts to meet domestic gas demand.
"Pertamina EP is committed to supply more than 71.2 billion cubic feet of gas to consumers, and it strengthens Pertamina EP`s position as the largest gas supplier to meet domestic demand," Syamsu Alam, Pertamina EP`s exploration and development director, said in Jakarta Friday after signing the contracts.
The four contracts covered Gas Sale Purchase Agreement (PJBG) between Pertamina EP and PT Medco E&P Indonesia, Amended PJBG between Pertamina EP and PT Pelangi Cakrawala Losarang, Amended PJBG between Pertamina EP and PT Tossa Shakti, and PJBG`s Head of Agreement (HOA) between Pertamina EP and PT Pertamina Gas.
PJBG with PT Medco E&P Indonesia is to supply 1.3 billion cubic feet gas for re-pumping stations at Pengabuan (Serdang, North Sumatra Province) and Ibul (South Sumatra).
The agreement is effective from April 27 April 2009 until November 2013 or until the supplies are completed.
The agreement with PT Pelangi Cakrawala Losarang concerns 6.2 billion cubic feet gas supply for industries at Losarang (Indramayu, West Java Province).
The amended agreement is valid from 18 December 2008 until 31 December 2018 or when the supplies are completed.
Based on the amended agreement with PT Tossa Shakti, Pertamina EP will provide 1.4 billion cubic feet gas to meet the demands of glass companies in Central Java.
The agreement is valid from 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2011.
PT Pertamina EP, based on the agreement with PT Pertamina Gas, will supply 62.3 billion cubic feet gas for Natural Gas Liquification (NGL) Plant in South Sumatera. The agreement is valid for 15 years since 1 January 2013.
Pertamina EP is the second largest oil and gas producer in Indonesia.
In 2009, Pertamina EP produced 127.1 thousand barrels per day, exceeding the target of 125.5 thousand barrels per day.