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CNOOC starts production from oil fields

CNOOC starts production from oil fields

Write: Koorong [2011-05-20]
HOUSTON, Mar. 29 -- CNOOC Ltd. has started oil production from WeiZhou 11-1 east field (WZ 11-1E) in western South China Sea and from BoZhong (BZ) 3-2 field in Bohai Bay.
WZ 11-1E oil field lies in 40 m of water in the Beibu Gulf basin. The field s development and production operation will rely mainly on the facilities of the adjacent field, WZ 11-1. CNOOC expects WZ 11-1E, currently with 3 wells on line, to reach a 3,000 bo/d peak production within the year.
BZ 3-2 lies in 25 m of water in the central part of Bohai Bay about 20 km southeast of producing field Qinhuangdao 32-6. The development uses a self-elevating producing platform to reduce costs.
Seven wells currently are on line and CNOOC expects production to reach a peak 4,800 bo/d this year.
CNOOC Ltd. is the operator and holds 100% interest in the fields.