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"Import Israeli herbs slowed down by heat"

"Import Israeli herbs slowed down by heat"

Write: Java [2011-05-20]
The import of fresh herbs from Israel is ongoing throughout the year at Arava Holland. The volume was at a lower level this year than last year due to the hot weather in Israel. "But the market should start to catch up as it nears the festive season", says Piet Bouma of Arava Holland.

Preparing the ULD's before the product goes to the airport
Israel had a hot summer - last week there was a heat wave - and this slowed the Israeli export season. "I was busier around this time in previous years. I think the supply is 10 to 20% lower. The import of chives has been very hard. The 'bulk' season should take off soon. We have extended the product in Israel again, so we can supply the demand at least."

Basil grower Jordan River
Regarding the question whether the Israeli import has much competition from countries such as Peru and Kenya, the trader replies: "We have competition from them, especially in the summer season, when Europe itself it growing herbs. That's pretty much over now and Israel is way above other non-European production areas in quality. But they are cheaper price wise."

Some herbs grow in the open ground