European apples face barriers to new markets
Tierra [2011-05-20]
The Spanish-French-Italian contact group met recently in Rome, and analysed the market situation and the exports to third-party countries, confirming the difficulty of accessing markets outside the EU which is limiting the growth of community exports.
In the case of the United States, despite the existence of a exporting protocol between the EU and the US, shipments from the EU are almost non-existent, with 191 tons in 2010. The contact group said it was necessary tfor member states get more active on existing negotiations between the European Commission and the United States.
Main EU exporting countries are Italy with 827,994 tons in 2010, Poland with 724,098 tons and France with 665,314 tons. Spanish exports of apple in 2010 was, according to Eurostat, of 103,332 tons.
Regarding Spain, apple imports had an important growth in these last years; in 2010 they reached 210,072 tons, some 9,5% more than in 2009, with a value of 150,000,000 Euro (9% of growth regarding the previous years), right after Chile and Germany. Main apple suppliers for Spain are France and Italy. Spanish imports of French apple in 2010 reached 77,723 tons, some 18% more than in 2009. From Italy, Spain received 67,495 tons (9,5% more than in 2009 and 50% more than in 2008), according to data from the General Direction of Customs and processed by FEPEX.
In yesterday's meeting in Rome, French, Italian and Spanish apple producers and representatives from the three country's administration participated. The representation of the Spanish sector was made by Elisenda Casals (Asociaci n Empresarial de Fruta de Catalunya - AFRUCAT; Jos| Luis Trilla (Cooperativas Agrarias); and Jos| Mar aa Pozancos (FEPEX).