World Leather magazine has launched the 2010 2011 Tannery of the Year competition, aiming to find the best examples across the world of tanneries that have built the principles of corporate social responsibility into their way of working.
The competition ran last year for the first time, culminating in the Ethiopia Tannery Share Company picking up the inaugural global award and five tanneries achieving regional awards:
Africa Ethiopia Tannery Share Company
Americas Curtiembres Fonseca, Argentina
Asia excluding China PrimeAsia Vietnam
China Simona Tanning
Europe Bridge of Weir Leather Company, Scotland.
This second edition of the contest will reach its conclusion at a sumptuous gala dinner in Shanghai in September 2011 at the time of the All China Leather Exhibition (September 6 8) when a distinguished panel of international business figures will choose one winner from each of these five regions and, from these five, the Ethiopia Tannery Share Company s successor as global winner.
So far, the World Leather team have carried out visits to the two finalist tanneries for Europe: the Hulshof Royal Dutch Tanneries in Lichtenvoorde in the Netherlands, and Heller Leder in Hehlen, Germany. Extensive reports on both tanneries will appear in the December-January issue of World Leather.
After Europe, the competition s attention will turn to Asia excluding China.
All Tanneries of the Year are 100% committed to corporate social responsibility, working as hard as they can to help the communities with which they share energy, water and other resources and making the least impact they possibly can on the environment. They are also sound businesses and operate on a stable and sustainable financial platform. They are all wonderful examples of best practice in the leather industry.