A fashion fur direct sale center opened in Yiwu Market
Annika [2011-05-20]
After one month of soft operation Yiwu International Fashion Fur Sale Center officially opens today, hundreds of distinguish guests and industrial officials came on the business opening day and expressed their congratulations.
Located in the Yiwu Small Commodity Market the fur sale center covers an area of 80,000 square meters with costs of total 1.5 billion yuan. Nearly one thousand of fashion fur brands open stores in the center that includes national leading brands of Xuebao, Shouwang and Bilatu, and direct marketing is the feature of the fur sale center.
Some store s owner said Yiwu Market has a powerful influence in international market and advantages on traffic, and logistic and location that provides an easy outlet to sell their products on international market, and they say they are full of confidence on the future market here. CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5540