Professor Xu Bo, the dean of leather and leather products department in Sichuan University, made a survey on shoe quality to 200 primary and secondary students and teachers in Chengdu city. According to the survey 60% to 70% of respondents show unsatisfied on their shoes comfort, and 40% of shoes wore by survey participants found deformed.
The professor Xu said currently China does not have the standards related to the safety and comfort of shoes, adding that shoes made in Chengdu may well fit to local residents but not for other people living in Shanghai or northern part of China, this is because of no referable basic data available for shoemaking production.
Shoes do not fit to foot of wearers that may cause their foot deformation or flatfoot, particularly that are harmful to children.
Professor Xu is drafting a standard to improve the shoe comfort and safety properties that is ready to submit to national authority department for leather goods. Other industrial experts also propose that the requirements for safety and comfort properties should be considered to put on national footwear standard.