Taizhou to take measures to boost shoe exports
Harrison [2011-05-20]
Although shoe exports in Taizhou city maintained a strong growth in the first three quarters of this year, it also suffered a lot from impacts of labor shortage, revaluation of RMB and raw material price hiking.
Several measures were taken by local government to ensure the expansion of shoe exports. First, issuing a guideline for footwear exporters on handling technical trade barriers, and organize training courses to popularize the regulations of REACH. Second, strengthening the services on quality improvement to the exported products and encouraging the exports to emerging markets, and so on. As result the city s shoe export posted a 30.98% growth year on year to US$824.341 million and change the situation from sluggish to growth in the first three quarters. CITATION http://www.chinaleather.org/eng/show.php?itemid=5615